Online Course

Take your Cambridge English Exam in Tokyo and prove your skills to the world!

West Japan Cambridge Center
Official exam preparation course


Spring 2024 Cambridge YLE
Young Learners Online Course
Cambridge for Schools Online Course
(November 2023 to February 2024 / 24 courses)


■ Young Learners course: Elementary school students and above
■ Cambridge English for Schools course: 4th grade and above


Young Learners course
Enrollment fee: ¥11000 (tax included)
Course fee (24 lessons) ¥66000 (tax included)

Cambridge English for Schools course
Enrollment fee: ¥11000 (tax included)
Course fee (24 lessons) ¥77000 (tax included)
*The course fee includes the textbook fee.

Which level should I take?
Please take a 30-minute level check lesson. We will guide you to the appropriate level.

When are the lessons conducted?
Please check the course schedule below. If you miss a lesson, you can take a replacement lesson within the same week. You can also attend a recorded version of the lesson.

Where are the lessons conducted?
The lessons are online. As long as you have a computer and an internet environment, you can participate.

Why is Cambridge English good?
The Cambridge English qualification is recognized by over 25,000 global institutions including universities, employers, and government agencies. It opens up pathways to higher education, expands employment opportunities, and because it is accepted worldwide, it also broadens options for studying or working abroad. Moreover, through comprehensive practice in speaking, listening, writing, and grammar, you can acquire practical English skills.

<Course schedule>

Please select one day of the week from each option.
(Example) Starters / Monday and Thursday
*Lecturers with Cambridge English qualifications will be in charge.

■ Pre A1 Starters (Eiken level 4 level)
Twice a week (1 lesson 50 minutes)
Option 1: Monday/Wednesday 16:30-17:20
Option 2: Tuesday/Thursday 16:30-17:20

■ A1 Movers (equivalent to EIKEN grade 3)
Twice a week (1 lesson 50 minutes)
Option 1: Monday/Wednesday 17:30-18:20
Option 2: Tuesday/Thursday 17:30-18:20

■ A2 Flyers (Eiken Pre-2 level)
Twice a week (1 lesson 50 minutes)
Option 1: Monday/Wednesday 18:30-19:20
Option 2: Tuesday/Thursday 18:30-19:20

■ A2 Key for Schools (Eiken Pre-2nd to 2nd grade)
Twice a week (1 lesson 50 minutes)
Option 1: Monday/Wednesday 19:30-20:20
Option 2: Tuesday/Thursday 19:30-20:50

■ B1 Preliminary for Schools (Eiken Level 2 and above)
Twice a week (1 lesson 50 minutes)
Option 1: Monday/Wednesday 20:30-21:50
Option 2: Tuesday/Thursday 20:30-21:50

■ B2 First for Schools (Eiken Pre-1st grade and above)
Twice a week (1 lesson 50 minutes)
Friday and Saturday 19:00-20:30

性別 (Gender)(必須)
お子様の生年月日 (Kid's Birthdate)(必須)
希望コース (Course)(必須)
If you are taking classes other than B2, please select your desired day of the week from each option and enter it here.