
ケンブリッジ大学英語検定機構の各英語検定の申し込みについては本申込規約により取扱います。内容をよくお読みになり、ご理解頂いた上でお申し込みくださ います。また、本規約に定めの無いものについては、各種 パンフレット、各種利用案内の定めによるものとします。


Terms and Conditions

You: Candidate, We: Japan Cambridge Exam Centre (JP176)

1. Your registration shall not be completed until we have received the exam fee.


2. If you send us written cancellation before the deadline for registration, we will refund the exam fees. A cancellation fee ¥5,500 (tax included) will be deducted from the refund. The cancellation fee for YLE Starters, Movers, Flyers is half of the exam fee.

お申し込み締め切り日以前のキャンセルには、検定料からキャンセル料の¥5,500(税込)を差引いた金額を返金いたします。YLE Starters, Movers, Flyersテストのキャンセル料は検定料の半額です。

3,Transfers are only accepted under the following conditions: ・registration is still open・seats are available
Transfers may be made once for free to test date or test venue if available, but any further changes from the second change after will be charged a transfer fee ¥5,500 (tax included) .


4. We cannot give refunds if you cancel your entry after the entry closing date.If the cancellation has been done due to some medical emergency, original copies of documents will be required. There are exceptional cases, under which a complete refund may be processed.


5. You may be able to make a late entry for C2 Proficiency/C1 Advanced /B2 First/B2 First for Schools/B1 Preliminary/B1 Preliminary for Schools/A2 Key /A2 Key for Schools/with the late entry fee of ¥5,500 (tax included) .

C2 Proficiency/C1 Advanced /B2 First/B2 First for Schools/B1 Preliminary/B1 Preliminary for Schools/A2 Key /A2 Key for Schoolsの各テストは、申し込み締め切り日以降でもお申し込みができることがあります。その場合は通常の検定料に加えてレイトエントリ-手数料¥5,500(税込)を申し受けます。

6. We have venues in Tokyo, Kansai, Chugoku, Shikoku and Kyushu. We may be able to hold sessions in other part of our area when we have enough candidates.


7. Please bring an original photographic ID (for example, passport or national identity card) as well as Confirmation of Entry and Timetable, pencils, pens and
erasers on the exam day.


8. When we do not have enough number of candidates set by Cambridge English Language Assesment, we shall cancel or postpone the planned exam sessions. In case of cancellation by us, we will refund the full fee you have paid. Please note that we shall not refund the bank transfer fee you paid at the time of entry.


9. Japan Cambridge Exam Centre (JP176) takes all reasonable steps for provide continuity of service. we feel sure you will understand, however, that we cannot be held responsible for any interruptions caused by circumstances beyond our control. if examinations or their results are disrupted, cancelled of delayed, every effort will be made to resume normal service as soon as possible. Refund of the exam fee is subject to Cambridge English Language Assesment regulations

ケンブリッジ英検西日本試験センター(JP176)では業務が滞ることがないように細心の注意を払っておりますが、当センターでコントロールできない状況により、問題が生じた場合には責任を負いかねます。試験開催に際して、中断・中止・遅延の場合には検定料の返金と再試験を行います。検定料の返金につきましてはCambridge English Language

10. Please note that terms and conditions in this document is subject to change without notice.


11. Japan Cambridge Exam Centre (JP176) keeps records of your personal information according to the law in force. The information shall be processed only and to the extent required for the proper administration of your examination and for statistical purposes.


11.Test day photo is mandatory. Your photo will be uploaded to the website for the Verification Service. The photo shall only be available to organisations/individuals agreed to the giving the candidate’s details to or authorise to view the candidate’s result.

テスト当日の写真撮影は、個人の特定を確実にするために、YLE,KET,For schoolsの各テストを除くすべてのテスト受験の際に義務付けられています。受験者の写真はもちろん極秘扱いとなり、テスト受験・結果閲覧などを円滑に行う以外の目的で使われることはありません。






  1. ケンブリッジ英語検定機構の各テスト(以下、「ケンブリッジ英検」)のお申し込みに関するご案内、ケンブリッジ英検の実施内容に関するご案内、試験センターが主催する説明会やセミナーのご案内、または、緊急の場合のご連絡。
  2. ケンブリッジ英検または、説明会、セミナーについてのご意見やご感想の提供をお願いする場合。
  3. ケンブリッジ英検の受験者、受験希望者、説明や講演会の参加者に関する情報を、個人を特定できない形に加工して利用または提供する場合。
  4. ご本人が事前に承諾した場合。
  5. 法律により開示が要求される場合

代表理事 ハーディング・マルコム

Registration Procedure

  1. Please read Terms and Conditions in the Registration Information below.
  2. Please make your registration online here if you agree with the terms and conditions.
  3. Your will receive an email message to confirm the details of your registration and our bank details.
  4. Please send your the exam fee to our bank account before the entry closing date. Please note that your registration will not be completed until the text fee has been paid.
  5. Your will receive an email message to confirm the completion of your registration.
  6. You will receive a letter of“Confirmation of Entry and Timetable” at your email address.