Teacher Talk Time YL
It's time to talk about young language learners in Japan

Currently browsing: assessment

Helping young learners on their way with the Cambridge Young Learners exams


Guest Contributor Anne Robinson

Hello! My name is Anne Robinson. I live in Cantabria, on the north coast of Spain. I’m a teacher, a teacher trainer for Cambridge Assessment and an author of five course books for young learners (Fun for Starters, Movers and Flyers, Fun Skills 3 and Fun Skills 5), all published by Cambridge University Press.


Currently browsing: assessment

New Dolch List: paving the way for young learners of English

英語 単語


Guest Contributor Dr. Charles Browne

The New Dolch List (NDL) is probably the most important new vocabulary word list for young second language learners of English published in the past few decades and is part of a much larger project, known as the New General Service List project.


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