Teacher Talk Time YL
It's time to talk about young language learners in Japan


世界の国旗 FLA


寄稿者 マルコム ハーディング

This is the first in a series that discusses the effects of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR), an international language proficiency index, and the new Foreign Language Evaluation (FLA / New ESL Test), which will join the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) from 2025. This is an article.

PISA is a three-yearly global Student Assessment that currently focuses on the academic achievement of 15-year-old students in mathematical and scientific literacy and reading comprehension (in their native language). I will. However, in 2025, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) will introduce a new Foreign Language Evaluation (FLA) into PISA . This FLA is first written in English and consists of an assessment of the three main skills (reading, listening and speaking). The FLA aims to The FLA test is developed by the Cambridge University English Examination Organization and is CEFR compliant. Improve language education by providing international comparisons, national diagnostics, and in-class policies and practices. In 2022, Countries Will Decide Whether To Take The English Test At The Field Trials. The Tests Currently Under Development Are For CEFR Levels A1 To C1 (Eiken 3Rd To 1St Grade And Above).


The overall purpose of this new FLA is to provide a system for comparing language learning around the world. This is a mission statement by Hanan Khalifa, Director of the Educational Transformation and Impact Division of the Cambridge University English Examination Organization. “It is important to provide appropriate and systematic teaching methods for language education in schools that help to formulate educational policies at the national and regional levels, “he said.

The new FLA is a great opportunity to showcase the language skills . So far, Japan has achieved very good results in the Program for International Student Assessment PISA, and has shown a very high level of achievement in scientific literacy, mathematical literacy, and reading comprehension . This New Test Will Allow Japan To Demonstrate Its Position As A World Leader . Of Japanese Students And Show Why Japan Is An Internationally Important Country. The Intellectual, Economic And Cognitive Benefits Of Language Learning Are Essential To The Appeal Of All Countries On A Global scale. in the future. There are many English experts in Japan, and they are in a position to be recognized as a model education by using their knowledge for future education policy.

To support the development and growth of education policy, PISA conducts questionnaires. The first test period questionnaire will focus on “using English in IT lessons” and “using the language of study (English) to teach other subjects”. This will be a great opportunity to show the competence of Japanese English professionals and the model efforts of other countries on how to implement the new system on a nationwide scale.

寄稿者 マルコム ハーディング
Malcolm Hardingは1996年から日本に住んでおり、幼稚園から大学まであらゆる教育場面で教えてきました。 2008年からケンブリッジ大学英語検定機構認定西日本試験センターの運営、岡山インターナショナルプリスクールの校長兼オーナーを務め、現在は岡山のノートルダム清心小学校の教師を務めています。

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Teacher Talk Time YL

